Monday 12 July 2010

Inception Gives Everyone A Film Erection

Inception, the latest film by Chris Nolan (y'know, that super awesome guy behind Memento and The Dark Knight) is doing just as well as everyone expected and now officially stands as the only Summer blockbuster worth seeing this year.

Still awaiting release here in the UK (roll on this coming Friday) the movie is doing exceptionally well with critics, holding a 100% rating over at Metacritic (though it only currently has four official reviews at the time of writing) and a 94% 'Fresh' rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

If you somehow haven't seen or heard anything to do with the film then firstly; you're a god dang fool (seriously...) and secondly, check the sex-tastic trailer below.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this movie, the suspense was out of this world, I very nearly had to leave the movie theatre as it almost got too much. Almost. Complicated concept but done in such a way that even the dimmest of viewers can follow with understanding! P.s. Yay for Leo!
